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Roger Vivier的鞋子夏天新品风格发布

萨马尔塞拉基德布塔福科不认为自己是一个时尚风险承担者,除非她处理一双鞋。黎巴嫩风格的博主承认夏天有一件“日常制服,那是一件羊绒衫和牛仔裤,夏天穿棉T恤和牛仔裤。”她补充说,“我觉得用鞋子玩起来更容易。”Seraqui de Buttafoco是Roger Vivier的17个流行影响者之一。维维尔的新书,今天出版。由RiZZOLI出版并由艾恩斯的de la Fressange监督,咖啡桌Tom’S被称为“洛夫维维”,并具有原始摄影、采访和散文;其他贡献者包括Leandra Medine、Christene Barberich和Chriselle Lim。Seraqui de Buttafoco在她独特的背景下在这些时尚界中脱颖而出:在推出她的风格网站Uun-LiBaaayes巴黎之前,她的标签是Das Mot,由T恤和T恤衫和像HabiBi和WohansWistar这样的字印在前面,她是一名政治记者。他在国际新闻频道工作了将近10年。

“这在智力上非常刺激,但同时也在情感上消耗,”Seraqui de Buttafoco承认。“一旦我回到家,就很难脱离工作。”一旦阿拉伯革命开始,“编辑所接受的图像是难以置信的暴力”,事情就变得越来越难了。她需要一个出口,让她从严酷的新闻周期中解脱出来。“我想继续写我的作品,但有一些更轻的东西,这就是我是如何匿名推出我的博客的,”她解释道。博客在网上获得了观众和粉丝的支持之后,大时装品牌Herm也来了。她说:“这给了我信心。”“我也开始有更多的乐趣与我的写作,我想完全开始冒险。”她最终推出了DAS MOT在2017与“想法庆祝法国无礼的所有语言,而不这样做在漫画中的巴黎或法国时装的外观。”

Seraqui de Buttafoco不希望被定义为一种风格,一种写作,或一个单一的社交媒体个性。她喜欢打扮的方式,她喜欢混合纹理,以及大胆的颜色和大裙子,她对待她的在线人物轻松和诚实。事实上,她最近删除了她在Instagram feed上的所有图片,只保存了一张:6月3日为巴勒斯坦难民儿童举办的音乐会。她说:“对我来说,重要的是要对自己是真实的,如果我们对世界上发生的事情敏感,我们将以一种自然的方式谈论它。”这是时尚和政治的新视角:积极性、进步性和娱乐性,即使世界似乎正在崩溃。

Roger Vivier发布TME的18 Influencers

图书俱乐部:他们可能更像家里的数字世界不断流动的媒介,但Roger Vivier的一个新的咖啡桌书,围绕着数码时代的时尚主题,庆祝18个国际影响力的墨水。
由于5月22日发布,TME,名为“Lovil LoVeviver”,由RiZoLi出版,贡献者绿叶,Chriselle Lim,Charlotte Groeneveld,Tamu McPherson和Tina Leung。

《图画书》中的人物包括一个男人推销员Leandra Medine和Roger Vivier品牌大使在de la Fressange的祝福和诅咒的社交媒体上的对话,以及Christene Barberich在一个关于数字世界时尚进化的文章。通过影响者的一系列原始图像说明了这项工作。

French Stylist Camille Seydoux Discusses Her Denim Collab with Roger Vivier

Camille Seydoux with her Roger Vivier collab

Camille Seydoux with her Roger Vivier collab(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

When it comes to cool French girls, Camille Seydoux hits all the inevitable marks: She’s got a certain nonchalant style with just the right amount of feminine charm, she also maintains a sense of irreverence, while still being totally relevant. As a stylist to the stars, she works with an equally enviable client list, which includes her sister, Léa Seydoux (yes, the Bond girl) and Adèle Exarchopoulos.

So it makes perfect sense why Roger Vivier handpicked the stylist for a purse and shoe collaboration, entirely decked out in patchwork denim and lined in hot pink leather. “It is a color that makes me happy,” she explained. “It’s so feminine and it’s really the color for girls.”

Last week, Ms. Seydoux celebrated the Prismick Jeans collaboration with a lunch at Maman, a rustic Tribeca eatery that is famous for its Americanized French fare. A slew of New York girls, including Leandra Medine, Mia Moretti and Garance Doré, who turned up in their best denim and contrasted it with with these Vivier pieces.

A day after her lunch, the Observer met up with Ms. Seydoux at the Roger Vivier boutique on the Upper East Side to discuss her newfound design prowess, how hands on she was with these creations and where in the world she buys her own pieces of denim.

How did you first align with Roger Vivier?
It started after the Cannes Film Festival last year, when I met the team in Paris. I met Bruno Frisoni, the actual designer and the studio, and they told me they wanted to work with me on a little collaboration. I was so excited and of course so willing to do it.

What type of parameters did they give you regarding the collection?
I was completely free to do things my own way. It’s the first time they did something [like that] with someone outside the team.

How did you land on the idea to do bags and shoes in denim?
I was free to do anything, but I also needed to respect the house, the codes and their heritage. One of my favorites from Roger Vivier is the Prismick line. I looked at what they had done in the past with the Prismick and they had never done denim. It was something they wanted to do before and they thought this was a great idea!

Camille Seydoux

Camille Seydoux(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

What was the first Roger Vivier piece you owned?
It was a Prismick bag, a grey one that I got three years ago. But even before this collaboration, I’ve had all these books on Roger Vivier in my place, I love fashion books and I collect them. I would say my favorite design by him were the Mondrian shoe he did with Saint Laurent.

Who was the first person to wear a piece from your collaboration?
My sister [Léa Seydoux] for the first James Bond photo call back in November. She wore the platform shoes, but you couldn’t see them because she wore a long dress. But I was the first to carry the bag!

Camille Seydoux

Camille Seydoux(Photo: Courtesy Roger Vivier).

Is this denim the same kind used for jeans?
No it’s a special denim, the really strong stuff. You can’t use regular denim when you want to do accessories, especially when you want to do leather details.

How do you think girls in Paris will wear this collection, versus New York?
French girls will wear it very chic, with black and a white shirt. I think American girls are going to be more maybe creative and they are going to mix it with other pieces of denim. They won’t be afraid to do crazier things.

Where do you go to buy jeans?
When I’m in Paris I go to APC and when I’m in London, I love Topshop. In New York, I go to Barneys when I’m uptown. They have a great denim floor.